Maurice Harkless Career High 20 Points Full Highlights (2/20/2013)

I tried to write a sweet poem for this description. It didn’t really work, though, because the only thing that rhymes with “Harkless” is “barkless”. I’m not saying that Maurice is not lacking in bark; he is. It’s just, I couldn’t really fit the word into the whole theme of the poem.

Actually, maybe I wouldn’t consider it a poem. More of a freestyle rap. I even opened up FLStudio and made a really SICK beat for it. The best part of it was where I alternated the words “Mo” (short for Maurice) and “Flow” over and over for like a minute. But other than that part it was kind of crappy.

It was going to be the background song for this video. I guess you’ll have to be content with the Maverick commentators’ droning while Mo scores his career high 20 points.

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