Jonas Jerebko 21 Points Full Highlights (2/25/2013)

A few years ago I saw something that interested me. It was a list of the best-selling NBA jerseys for each team.The usual suspects were there: Kobe, LeBron, Durant. But the one for the Pistons was odd. Surely it would be Tayshaun Prince or Rip Hamilton or someone good, right? Wrong. It was Jonas Jerebko.

So that tells me that Swedes love Jonas. As far as I can figure, he’s the only “real” Scandinavian in the league (Jeff Taylor does not count). So I expect a flood of Swedish viewers for this video. I have some words for you. Thanks Google Translate!

Sverige är fullt av fula, illaluktande människor. Din köttbullar smakar äckligt och det enda du är bra för gör Death Metal. Jonas Jerebko är kanske era länder finaste export. Och han är inte särskilt bra. Dessutom, ta inte allt jag säger på allvar.

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