Bradley Beal 19 Points Full Highlights (11/3/2013)

What’s up with the NBA this year? I know it’s early, but teams that seemed to be blatantly tanking (Phoenix, Philadelphia) are doing good while teams who went all in for the playoffs (Wizards) are not. Probably just an anomaly that will correct itself in a few weeks, but it’s still cool to see crappy teams to good for a while.

If the Wizards continue their losing ways you can expect Ernie Grunfeld to pull the trigger on another desperation “win now” trade. I don’t know how many first round picks they have left to give away, but Otto Porter would do in a pinch. Maybe trade him for Chris Andersen, if Nene is gonna be injured for a while. I would put nothing past the worst GM in the league.

Panic trades may not be necessary, though, if Bradley Beal finds his stroke. He started off last year in a similar slump, so lets hope that, like last year, he is able to work off the multiple crates of Doritos he polished off during the summer. Damn, those things are good. I could use a crate of em right now. Make that two. Christ.

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