Miroslav Raduljica 10 Points/2 Blocks Full Highlights (12/11/2013)

Miroslav “The Serbian Slammer” Raduljica is one of the least-known players in the league. He also is proud owner of the NBA’s most foreign-looking name, an honor he shares with Viacheslav Kravtsov.

Serbia is a country most Americans know little to nothing about. But be sure: the Serb people are a proud race with a distinguished history. Throwing off the yoke of Byzantine and, later, Ottoman oppressors, they gained independence in the 1800s. Joining forces with their Slavic brothers to form the Balkan League, they crushed the tyrannical Ottomans to usher in a new period of prosperity for all of the Balkans.

In World War II, many Serbs, along with other ethnic groups, were cruelly and brutally massacred by the evil Croat juggernaut, but Serbia emerged from these trials, and others, with a strong national identity and an appreciation for the hardships of their ancestors. Miroslav walks proudly in the footsteps of the great Serbs who struggled under the gloomy fist of oppression, Serbs who now flourish in an era of peace and prosperity.

May the great Serbian state, culture, and race propagate and succeed, now, and into the timeless chasm of eternity! Pure Serb blood, blood shed over countless centuries of persecution, flows stronger than ever through the hearts of the Serbian people!

Живела Србија! Слава велики Србин трке! Мирослав Радуљица ће заувек живети у нашим срцима!

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