Be honest. How many of you get CJ McCollum and Ray McCallum confused? Because before I made these highlights they were basically the same player in my mind.
Don’t lie. DownToBuck knows when you are lying. Unless you are a Blazers or Kings fan it’s unlikely that you’ve seen either play at all. I watch tons of basketball and I think I saw McCallum once. McCollum maybe twice.
But no more! With this game, CJ has lifted himself from the dreary fens of obscurity, into the less dreary fens of semi-notability. I, for one, enjoy this new development. If the Blazers can have a backup point who isn’t a horrible and unrelenting chucker who kills the offense and doesn’t play defense (Mo Williams), that’s all for the good. The times when Lillard comes out aren’t pretty.
I know, I know, McCollum isn’t really a point guard. But neither is Lillard, and it hasn’t hurt the Blazers so far.