With this sick performance against the Knicks, Jimmer Fredette has shown that he should receive more minutes or should be traded somewhere where they will give him those minutes. Did you see those threes? Some of those were frickin’ deep! Hell I think he shot one of those from Kolob.
I think I read somewhere that if you start a petition on whitehouse.gov and some certain amount of people sign it that the president has to deal with it. Do you think Obama could get Jimmer traded to like the Jazz or something? He’s the president. He gets to do whatever he wants. He could walk around D.C. with his junk hanging out yelling “I’m Barack Obama president of the United States of America” and get away with it. And I’m sure the NBA has been meddled with by presidents before. How else do you explain Derrick Rose winning MVP?
Anyway, if someone would start one of those petitions I would sign it. DownToBuck registers his support for freeing Jimmer from the chains of unfair minute allocation.