Carl Landry 14 Points Full Highlights (12/16/2014)

Previously I had thought that you needed to accomplish something major before you did a biceps-flexing pose. It turns out I was mistaken! As Carl Landry illustrates, even minor successes can be celebrated in this manner. For example, if you rip away a rebound from somebody, then do a drop-step and elevate six inches off the ground for the dunk, that would be an appropriate time to show off your muscles in a primal showing of dominance.

Now that I know where the bar is set, I’ve been doing it all morning:

-After I microwaved my pop-tart to perfection by ignoring the directions on the box and going for eight seconds
-After successfully uploading Rasual Butler highlights to my channel
-After ignoring a text from a girl, because I’m done with girls
-After putting my pants on not-backwards
-After I fed my cat, Japurri
-Oh my god what happened to Jabari
-Is Jabari going to be okay
-Somebody fix him
-Please god, please, please

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