Welcome to downtobuck.net

downtobuck.net is the official website of prolific NBA highlight creator, well-known YouTube celebrity, and Hot Pocket enthusiast DownToBuck. If you somehow arrived here without being aware of DownToBuck’s YouTube channel, now you have the link. If you click on it, your web browser will send your hurtling through the world wide weberverse at terrifying speeds until you reach the You Tubes.

This website’s main purpose is to serve as an easily searchable archive of DTB’s extensive body of work. It has never been easier to follow along with one of DTB’s incomprehensible video description storylines! All videos are tagged in compliance with an obscure, impenetrable tagging system to make browsing as painless as possible, and especially funny video descriptions are tagged with the story tag so you don’t even have to read any ill-informed basketball commentary if you don’t want to.

That’s it! Introduction over!

11 thoughts on “Welcome to downtobuck.net”

  1. Would love to see a Jason Smith video from Wiz/Bulls last night 1/10/17. Don’t think you’ll ever get a better one from him – there are blocks, 3’s, and more (maybe…).

    I don’t have a Youtube account, but follow your videos every day! Thanks for doing what you do.

  2. Please send me one of your unreleased descriptions, preferably your best one. Big fan of yours, favorite video is your Klay Thompson one, a classic.

  3. Feel free to delete this comment (probably wrong place).

    If you’re willing to do a request can you post Jameer Nelson’s 23 point game against the Warriors (5 threes!). He lit them up and it was funny AF; especially his post-game interview where he called out all the bandwagon fans in Pepsi Center that night. I thought for sure you would’ve uploaded it when it happened that night but I guess you were too busy or didn’t think it was good enough. Jokic had a triple double that game which IIRC you uploaded so I’m hoping you still have the entire game footage. Btw I’m not a huge Jameer Nelson fan but now that he’s a free agent after getting waived maybe people remembering he was a one night Warrior killer might get him some interest.

  4. Very sad moment in the history of NBA videos…i hope you will rise…like a phoenix…from ashes back to the top.

  5. I want to offer you an opportunity to come work for basketballgods.net

    I’m trying to develop basketballgods.net into a great sports entertainment business and website that caters to the entertainment needs of basketball fans around the world. And that also caters to the skill development needs of basketball players around the world

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