You know what angers me? Aside from the Celtics getting BTFOed by forty points in the first half of game two? The fact that I made nearly as many Bobby Brown videos this year (3) as I made Jaylen Brown videos (4, now 5). That’s outrageous and stupid. Those numbers should have never been that close.
Before each season starts I make a spreadsheet predicting how many videos I will make for each player. Bobby Brown was on the spreadsheet, but I didn’t give him much thought, and I put a one next to his name. I figured he would get thirty minutes in the last game of the season and score barely enough to get just that one highlight video. Meanwhile, Jaylen’s name not only had “22” next to it, but it was also highlighted in yellow to indicate that he would be one of my main focuses this year and be top-ten in DTB video count.
That spreadsheet sucks now. I deleted it out of anger and I also wiped it out from my backup array of 12TB helium-filled disks. The strategy in Boston must have been to bring Jaylen along slowly, but all that means for me is that he only scored twenty one time, and that some old man Marcus Thornton lookalike in Houston got nearly an equivalent amount of highlight videos made for him.
So, this embarrassing blowout in the ECF for the Celtics was actually a good thing. It meant that Jaylen Brown finally got the minutes that he deserves, and with those minutes, he generated the highlight video that I deserve.