Manu Ginobili needs to do everything in his power to get another Argentine player on the Spurs. He’s got a lot of respect, and therefore, a lot of clout, in the Spurs organization, so he should be able to get it done as long as he’s persistent enough. I’m thinking he should start by speaking up in film sessions. Like, “Hey Pop, we didn’t run that play quite right, but I know this guy named Nicolas Brussino who would have run it perfectly, maybe we should go out and sign him.” Or, “Nicolas Laprovittola would have made that pass that Dejounte screwed up, I wonder what he’s up to?”
The thing is, if Manu retires and there’s no successor in place, we will enter a dark age where there are no players from Argentina in the NBA. That’s why he has to be so aggressive in getting the Spurs to pick up another one. He could escalate it to calling Pop at all hours of the day and monotonally reciting a list of Argentine free agents. Or he could pay players with his own money to take part in team practices. He has to do something because GM’s across the league are doing nothing.