Cam Reddish 14 Points Full Highlights (2/26/2020)

In the course of making all these Cam Reddish highlight videos, I have learned that any mildly negative thing I say about him will be construed as “hating”. Just stating the plain facts with my trademark sarcastic spin on things makes me a “hater”. Ignoring Reddish’s defensive contributions, given my lack of interest in any aspect of defense other than box-score stats, also makes me a “hater” (that one’s fair though, I always underrate players who are good defensively).

For example, if I note that Reddish had just his tenth game shooting 50% or better from the field (out of 52 games played), that could be taken as the ignorant comments of a man who has nothing better to do in his life than hate on professional basketball players. The Cam Reddish Internet Defense Force (CRIDF) always comes to his rescue when I say things like that.

Since I am now relying on my viewers to support me financially through my Patreon, it is in my best interests to pander to them. That means, if they’re watching Cam Reddish highlight videos, I should attempt to portray Cam Reddish in the best possible light so that the viewers see me as sympathetic figure who is on their side fighting for the recognition of Cam Reddish as a potential star. That means that mentions of Reddish’s field goal percentage are strictly forbidden. Comparisons to Paul George and Kawhi Leonard, on the other hand are encouraged. Let’s try it out:

Cam Reddish is going to be like Paul George and Kawhi Leonard combined, but better, and his field goal percentage is [redacted], which is really really good. Please give me money.

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