Willy Hernangomez 14 Points Full Highlights (3/5/2020)

Juan Hernangomez has been getting all of the attention lately out of the two Hernangomez brothers. First off, Juan got traded. That’s gonna get you attention no matter how much you were doing on your former team or how much you do on your new team. Second off Juan went from barely playing in Denver to being a 14 PPG per game scorer in Minnesota who also shoots 45% from three. So there are two reasons to pay attention to him that weren’t there before.

There are no new reasons to pay attention to the forgotten brother Willy. He’s still stuck on the Hornets with a coach that seems to hate him on a personal level, although, to be fair to Borrego, Hernangomez HAS been getting more minutes recently. Since appearing in just 13 of the team’s first 42 games, he’s only gotten 3 DNPs in the following twenty games. So the situation isn’t as dire as it was, but it’s still pretty dire. And there’s still no reason to pay attention to a guy who is scoring five points in eighteen minutes off the bench for a team that sucks.

Both Hernangomez brothers will be free agents in the off-season. Juan will probably get paid a hefty sum to go be a stretch four somewhere. Willy, on the other hand, might not get paid at all if this keeps up. Do you think Willy is harboring any resentment for Juan right at this moment, or is he just happy for the success of his brother? If I were in that position, it would be a bit of both. I’d be like “go get that bag bro, but remember to share some with me when I get cut in training camp and have to go back to play in Spain”.

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