Terry Rozier 24 Points/6 Assists Full Highlights (3/7/2020)

Barring any trades that change the situation, the Hornets are stuck with Terry Rozier at 18 million dollars per year for two more seasons after this one. That seems like an intolerable situation to me; if my preferred team had somebody like Rozier under contract for that long and for that amount of money, I would seriously question the wisdom of my front office. It would be like that John Salmons contract of a decade ago, but worse. I don’t know if I could handle “worse”.

Hornets fans might feel differently, however. They have been so downtrodden for so long that it’s possible that no amount of overpaid badness can faze them. Or they might truly believe in the vision of team leadership, which, as far as I can tell, is to take a few years off from winning in order to accumulate draft picks. By the time they’re done with their own version of “The Process”, Rozier’s contract will be over and done with, and they can part ways with him. Of course, since it’s the Hornets, what really will happen is that Rozier’s contract will end and they’ll re-sign him to an even bigger one while simultaneously burying their theoretical freshly-drafted shooting guard stud deep on the bench. Michael Jordan probably thinks of Rozier as like a modern-day version of himself and will want to retain him at all costs. Barf.

If there are any Hornets fans left at all watching these videos (I feel like view counts have been dwindling lately, for understandable reasons), can you clue me in to what the team’s plan is, not just with Rozier, but with everybody? And can you also tell me if Michael Jordan feels any cognitive dissonance about being the GOAT basketball player while being the anti-GOAT franchise owner?

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