You can tell by the Nuggets’ bench reaction that Bismack Biyombo’s hard tumble in the fourth quarter of this game looked gnarly as heck. Double gnarly. You don’t even need to see the fall itself. I didn’t show any replays, because when it happened live, the first thing I thought was “Kevin Ware 2.0”, and so too did Mike Miller.
Luckily, Biz was fine, or at least fine enough to come back in the game to make a run at his career-high. He came up one point short (gotta make free throws), but it was still one of the best offensive performances of his career. Nothing too impressive technically, but 15 points for The Bizzy Body is 15 points. If you were coming into this video expecting Olajuwon-esque moves, then I’m sorry to disappoint, but you were really setting your expectations way too high.
I’m going to try and make it through this whole description without even mentioning his contract even one time (besides this time which doesn’t really count). I don’t even care how much he got paid or how he’s the next Jerome Williams, fooling a GM with a few impressive playoff performances. I think I’m going to make it, too, because this description is coming to an end right about now and I didn’t mention that he’s getting paid 17 million to only play defense and take minutes away from Nikola Vucevic.