Cartier Martin 16 Points Full Highlights (11/11/2013)

The first thing that Cartier Martin noticed when he awoke is that he no longer was able to move his limbs. Looking down, he could see that he was strapped to some kind of table, a far cry from his comfy bed at home. “Looks like our visitor has awakened, fellas,” said a voice from…

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Cartier Martin 23 Points/6 Threes Full Highlights (3/23/2013)

Cartier “C-Mart” Martin has been in the league for five years. Does that blow your mind? It sure blows mine. His utility is pretty much as a garbage-time three-point shooter. But after last night’s game, he will be notorious around the NBA as a malicious breaker of ankles. Not because he pulled off some sick…

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Cartier Martin 18 Points Full Highlights (12/15/2012)

If you were a young NBA player who wanted to prove your efficacy in the league, which team would you want to go to? The Lakers? The Heat? The Knicks? No. None of those teams would give you any minutes. The real answer: the Wizards. There is no hope for them this season. John Wall’s…

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