Austin Rivers 17 Points Full Highlights (5/4/2015)

If my dad was an NBA coach I would be super embarrassed by anything he did. That’s actually not too different from how it is now, but the problem with a dad-coach is that all the embarrassing stuff he’d do would be in front of the media. I would lock myself in an internet- and TV-less chamber for the entire season.

Plus, any time he spewed some lame motivational mumbo-jumbo in the huddle, I’d be like, “Daaaaaaad, that’s laaaaaaaame!” or “Daaaad, we knooooow that we have to play defense, come ooooooooon!” The stupid stuff that coaches say during timeouts would be 100x more stupid if it was your dad saying it and not just some out-of-touch old guy.

It turns out there are fates worse than death. Austin Rivers is experiencing that fate right now.

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