Oshae Brissett 23 Points Full Highlights (5/18/2021)

https://youtu.be/rlpiu4Zw2_o We live in a world where a guy who only signed his contract on April 1st is his team’s leading scorer in their most important game of the season to date. That’s crazy. Obviously the Pacers signed Oshae Brissett because they thought he would be good, but they didn’t sign him to play a…

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T.J. McConnell 12 Points/Career High 17 Assists Full Highlights (5/16/2021)

https://youtu.be/hsUmdKp8FpU T.J. McConnell has proven to be such a prolific assist-getter this season that I feel compelled to come up with a new nickname for him that reflects his dominance in that particular facet of the game. And I think I’ve got it: T.J. McOnBall. Because if you put him on the ball, he’ll average…

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Oshae Brissett Career High 31 Points Full Highlights (5/16/2021)

https://youtu.be/DzDHX1meY6M If you should know one thing about the NBA highlights enigma known as DownToBuck, it’s that DownToBuck loves REVENGE GAMES. In my view, there is simply nothing more satisfying in life than watching a discarded cast-off from some team play that team later in their career and utterly destroy them. When I think about…

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JaKarr Sampson 20 Points Full Highlights (5/14/2021)

https://youtu.be/1qHiMMg-eS4 Every time I make a JaKarr Sampson highlight video, I express wonderment that he is still in the league. But he’s the one who continues to collect NBA checks (modestly-sized NBA checks, but NBA checks nonetheless), whereas the total of my NBA checks to date is approximately $0.00, give or take zero cents. So…

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T.J. McConnell Career High 23 Points/7 Assists Full Highlights (5/13/2021)

https://youtu.be/DlbvfS0qyOU DTB’S FUN FACT OF THE DAY: Before last night, T.J. McConnell had not scored twenty points in an NBA game. Is that crazy or what? Twenty isn’t THAT many points, all things considered. Plenty of scrubs score twenty points in their careers. Every season there’s a few random scrublords who randomly drop twenty after…

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Justin Holiday 26 Points/8 Threes Full Highlights (5/13/2021)

https://youtu.be/2oiMqvIkAAw It’s a rare treat for a trio of brothers to all appear in a single game. Since trios of brothers are already quite rare in the NBA (shout out to the Zellers), and it’s also relatively uncommon for two brothers to be on the same roster, the opportunity to have all three brothers playing…

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Kelan Martin Career High 25 Points Full Highlights (5/10/2021)

https://youtu.be/JI0eYcwlfqk You can put this one up there with the most unexpected scoring performances of the season. I don’t have handy the full list of most unexpected scoring performances, but my intuition tells me that Kelan Martin’s 25 points in 25 minutes, after having a previous season-high of just eleven points, is way up there…

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Doug McDermott Career High 31 Points Full Highlights (5/1/2021)

https://youtu.be/PEAQUi2iJ-s We were robbed of a potential 40-burger from Doug McDermott due to the disgusting and blatant tanking of the Oklahoma City Thunder. Al Horford is fine, dammit. Just put him in the game. Where’s Adam Silver? Isn’t he supposed to be protecting the integrity of the game? Because there was nothing integritous about this…

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Edmond Sumner Career High 22 Points Full Highlights (4/24/2021)

https://youtu.be/QdXDsxyP7HU Sometimes I have dreams about making highlight videos. I also have dreams about looking at box-scores. This is a sure sign of some deeper psychological issues that I refuse to address. At the very least, my brain has been fundamentally rewired by my operation of this channel for nearly a decade. I probably dream…

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Oshae Brissett Career High 23 Points/3 Blocks Full Highlights (4/21/2021)

https://youtu.be/kRrquVslczE OFFICIAL LIST OF KNOWN FACTS ABOUT OSHAE BRISSETT -He is apparently on the Pacers now, a fact which had shamefully escaped my notice until last night -His last name is “Brissett”, which looks like “brisket”, a type of cow meat that I rank among my top ten of cow meats -There’s a football player…

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