The season is drawing to a close, for Jock Itch and all other players not headed to the playoffs. It is now an appropriate time to look back at their seasons and judge them as “good”, “meh”, or “bad”.
I think we can all agree that Jock Itch had a good season. Nobody thought he would do as much as he did. It turns out that he can rebound like a fiend, shoot all the way out to the three point line, and sometimes when he gets bored he just starts making crazy passes that you don’t think he should be able to make. Depending on the day, he emits either Dirk Nowitzki vibes, Magic Johnson vibes, or the vibes of some other all-time great. I may or may not be right now receiving Moses Malone vibes from him. It’s hard to tell. Sometimes when I think I’m receiving vibes it’s just the radiation from my microwave giving me tumors.
So, Nuggets fans: given that Jokic will undoubtedly improve over the off-season, can we start talking about playoffs again? Yeah? Nah? Ehhhh? Maybe? With Gallo healthy? And improvement from Mudiay and Harris too? Yeah? Yeah? YEAH! YEAAAAAH PLAYOFFS NEXT YEAR!