Somehow Brandon Rush is still in the league after getting injured in 2012 and then having two really bad seasons after that. I honestly thought he was done after that. Doner than done. Doner than Brandon Roy. Knee injuries are bad news and it looked like his shot was permanently borked because of it. But now he’s rounding back into form and providing valuable garbage time minutes for a team where most fourth quarters are garbage time.
I would like to issue a personal apology to Brandon: I’m sorry I was a doubter. I’m especially sorry I doubted that you would ever shoot threes again after your knee ligaments turned into a plate of bloody muscular spaghetti. It was wrong of me to write you off. Please use some of your NBA money to write me a check since there are no longer any hard feelings between us. I had a note on my apartment door this morning which used a lot of scary words and I think I might have to leave here soon if I can’t pay the rent.