Aaron Gordon 18 Points/7 Assists Full Highlights (1/6/2017)

Assists are not dunks. They may sometimes lead to dunks, but they are not dunks themselves. This is a fact that I found out while making this vid.

If the title of this video instead read “Aaron Gordon 18 Points/7 Dunks”, I guarantee that your blood-hype level would reach dangerous levels. You would have no choice but to watch it. Multiple times. Same with my last video. “T.J. McConnell 9 Points/17 Dunks”. You would question your very sanity watching a video like that.

Assists are cool in their own way. For other players. For point guard players. Not for power forward players. To his credit, Gordon’s assists in this video are a cut above the usual bigman passes. But they aren’t dunks. Aaron Gordon passing the rock isn’t what Magic fans pay to see, and it’s not what I get paid to highlight.

Never mind that I don’t get paid to highlight anything. My point still stands.

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