Justin Hamilton 16 Points Full Highlights (1/8/2017)

I’ve always maintained that a Justin Hamilton video is not a Justin Hamilton video if it doesn’t contain at least one dunk in it (colloquially referred to as a “JHAM”). I am pleased to report that this video includes not just one nasty, powerful JHAM. It includes two JHAMs. Plural.

Okay, so there is nothing nasty or powerful about these JHAMs, I admit. In this video, J-Ham dunks it like your dad would if your dad was seven feet tall and had an Nsync haircut. He basically catches the ball underneath the basket and goes straight up with it. That’s cool, but it would be cooler if he was like the trailer of the play and caught the ball at a full sprint at the three-point line and then threw it down on three different guys at once. That would be the coolest JHAM ever, but that’s not the kind of collateral jhammage you get to see here. Sorry.

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