I warned you guys. I WARNED YOU. I was very clear about it: do not watch the full Elfrid Payton highlights.
The last Payton vid I made was almost four minutes long. A length so lengthy that anyone watching the whole thing would be putting their life in great danger. And I warned you of that. It was right there in description.
I have sad news to report.
One of you heeded not my warnings. A user, who shall remain nameless, posted in the comments of that vid “I watched the whole think, mainly for the hair”. Just a few seconds after completing the video, he was already delirious, feeling the deadly effects of excessive Elfrid Payton highlight consumption. I responded “are you dead”, already knowing that it was too late, that only a few minutes later, if that, they had died from overexposure. In response, his grieving parents made another comment under the user’s name “Nope… unfortunately”. Even in their immense despair, they sought to ease my guilty mind by pretending this user had not died, but I knew the truth. I knew the grim truth.
I know I shouldn’t feel guilty. I outlined clearly the risks, under the assumption that my wise words would be acknowledged and respected. But I was the one who put you all in danger in the first place. I made the video that killed that innocent YouTube user.
Maybe I shouldn’t make Elfrid Payton highlights anymore.