In a move that surely saddened #1 pick fans everywhere, Anthony Bennett was let go from the Nets in order to make room for Quincy “Assy” Acy. On the surface, the two are similar players: they’re both undersized power forward-types, and they’re both rather bulky. But the comparisons end there: Bennett has no motor to speak of unless there’s an all-you-can-eat cheeseburger buffet in the vicinity, while Acy has stuck around in the league solely because of an unquenchable desire to hustle and be active.
Acy is a known quantity at this point and has little potential to develop into anything other than a better version of what he already is. Bennett had and still has that potential to be a big-time scorer in the league. I don’t really understand what kicking Bennett to the curb does for the Nets (they should be aiming to keep around players who could blossom, even if the chance is remote), but I’m also happy that Acy got another opportunity after the Mavericks decided they were done with him. So I don’t know what to feel right now. Maybe I just shouldn’t worry about how the Nets are shuffling around their twelfth men.