Nikola Jokic 23 Points/6 Assists Full Highlights (1/24/2017)

Attention Serbians: it is snowing right now where I am, and it is not snowing right now where you are. I just thought I’d let you know, because I’m looking outside my window right now and it’s really atmospheric and picturesque (people who leave their Christmas decorations up for way too long are da real MVPs). This doesn’t really have anything to do with Nikola Jokic, I’m just way too hyped for snow right now.

Screw global warming if it’s going to take this wintry majesty away from me.

I mean, I’m hyped for Jokic right now also. Jokic is sweet, but snow is happening RIGHT NOW and I think I’m going to go outside for a while and just stand in it. The Jokic highlights are done, rendered, uploaded. They are naught but a forgotten memory at this point, but the snow is CURRENT.

P.S. Magic Jokson also had 3 blocks in this game but they really weren’t any good so I didn’t include them.

P.P.S. It is snowing right now.

P.P.P.S I bet people would watch “Snow Full Highlights (1/24/2017)”

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