I thought really hard and really long about whether I should assemble highlights of Jamil Wilson scoring 10 with 3 blocks. That happened a couple days ago, and my eventual decision not to tortured me; what if he never scored that much again, what if that was the absolute peak of the short career of Jamil Wilson in the NBA? Long story short, I haven’t slept since the 15th, when that occurred.
That pillow over there is looking really good now that he has scored 13, which is a legit amount of points, more than enough to fill up a whole vid. I am so hyped that I finally get to showcase him, mostly because he’s a Wisconsin native and I’m slightly xenophobic. Problem is, he’s from Racine, which is really the armpit of the state. Couldn’t he have been from some cooler city? Like Oconomowoc?
Anyway, he’s getting lots of minutes despite being, like, super old for a rookie (27 is old, yes). The Clippers’ injury problem is way out of hand but I prefer these type of games than anything that Blake Griffin or Danilo Gallinari could ever put together.