I’m struggling to decide whether Rondae Hollis-Jefferson has an attractive, chiseled-from-marble face or if it just looks like he got hit with a shovel several times over. Settling this issue once and for all will have the secondary benefit of providing a final determination on whether “Ronbae” is a good nickname for him or not. Because, of course, you cannot use the affectionate term “bae” in reference to somebody who is not physically attractive.
In either case, Ronbae had another surprising game from an offensive productivity standpoint. I’m slowly getting used to the idea that his little midrange jumpers off of face-ups might be a legitimately useful and productive weapon for him, but the idea that he can pass the ball is a bit foreign to me. Maybe Nets fans can correct me, but I just assumed that he has no handles at all, and handles are sort of a requirement if you’re going to get a significant amount of assists.
It might be easier on my poor, overtaxed brain to assume that this six-assist outburst from RHJ is a fluke, an anomaly, and that he is unlikely to ever replicate it in the rest of his career.