Maybe pointing this out is a giveaway that I regularly run out of material for my descriptions, but I just noticed for the first time that Luke Kennard is balding. Like, really balding. It’s bad, folks. I’m estimating 1% hairline loss each game that he plays, but that’s a conservative number. It could be more. All I know is that I’m looking at all my thumbnail images for him in chronological order, and the strands at the front are getting sparser and wispier.
My preliminary observations indicate that he still has a full head of hair at the back. He has not yet “Manu Ginobilied” as the kids are so fond of saying these days. But the front is receding faster than Antarctic glaciers right now.
Maybe that’s why Kennard always has a shocked/disgusted look on his face. It’s because, after he makes a shot, he notices that a few more hairs have fallen out from the impact of jumping and landing. He’s surprised that even more fell out of his head than last time, and disgusted that his inferior genetics are turning him into a 45-year-old man about two decades too early. Luckily, Evan Fournier and Kosta Koufos started a support group specifically for NBA players with this affliction, so Kennard can get the help he needs.