Has Quin Snyder changed his system recently? I’m feeling like I’m not watching the same Jazz team this last month or so that I was when they were losing all those games. It could be that players are simply playing better and that explains the difference. Or, it could be that coke-head Snyder had a brainwave and decided to stop marginalizing Ricky Rubio.
Sadly, this question will have to go unanswered because I don’t really watch enough Utah basketball to tell what sort of scheme they’re running, and in any case my knowledge of X’s and O’s is basically zero. I know what a pick-and-roll is, that’s about it. I’m also really good at identifying dunks but I’m not sure if that counts.
So instead of giving a real honest answer let’s just say that this recent resurgency by the Jazz is all Ricky Rubio’s doing. That should please the Rubio fans here, I think. Good job Ricky!