Ty Lawson 14 Points/8 Assists Wizards Debut Full Highlights (4/17/2018)

It’s always cool to see a fresh young foreign player come in to the league and make an impact right away. Ty Lawson, who is Chinese, didn’t manage to stick with the Wizards after preseason this year, but they liked what they saw from him in his domestic league, so they picked him up for a little extra PG-punch in the playoffs. It’s a sad day for Tim Frazier fans (like me and probably only me), but I can get behind this newcomer, definitely.

Has there ever been another player who has made his NBA debut in the playoffs? I can’t think of any besides John Holland (be sure to peep my vid of him scoring 21 in the regular season finale), who had a much less impressive performance than this.

I’m surprised that this isn’t getting more attention from people. Everyone was freaking out after anything that Zhou Qi did, but this performance by the equally-Chinese Lawson is way less noticed despite being way better than anything Zhou ever did. I don’t know what the deal is, but all I know is that I’m excited for this youngster to be the ‘Zards backup PG of the future.

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