The view count on my last Shabazz Napier video is somewhat disappointing. 755 views? I shouldn’t need to remind you all that 32 points frickin’ TIED a CAREER HIGH for Shabazzle Dazzle, and nobody even wanted to watch. I know that my view counts are a bit lower ever since I dropped from 80k subs on my old channel to 12k on my new one, but I’m still salty about this one. What happened to all the UConn fans? Do they not want to relive the glory days of UConn basketball by watching one of UConn’s finest products in recent memory have a good game in the NBA?
All of what was written above is my reason for being pessimistic about the potential view count of this upload. If the collective YouTube viewership can’t muster the energy to watch Napier score 32 points, they certainly won’t be able to muster the energy to watch him score 18. Actually, “energy” is the wrong word here since it takes MORE energy watch a long video than a short one. The right word is “desire”. Nobody desired the last video, so they’re really not going to desire this one.
However, my quest to chronicle the achievements of NBA scrubs past and present cannot be disrupted by disappointing view count totals. Hence this video. Thanks for watching I guess.