Ante Zizic 18 Points Full Highlights (1/11/2019)

In my opinion, which I could tell you is provided humbly but really isn’t, Ante “Antetozizpo” Zizic can pretty much reproduce the production of the injured Kevin Love if given enough opportunities. Note that I’m not saying he could reproduce the impact of Love, just the production. And when I say “production”, I mean the minimum amount of production that Kevin Love would give you and not be considered to be subpar, which would be 17 points and 9 rebounds a game, roughly (with no defense). A lot of the league’s scrubbiest big men would have trouble averaging those numbers even if you made them the focal point of the offense and played them the full 48, but Zizz has shown enough flashes of scoring skill that I totally think he could do it. He could totally average 17/9.

Now, the only problem is convincing Larry Drew to start focusing on Zizz in the rotation at the expense of Thompson and Nance. Larry Drew looks like that old grandpa you have who would nod his head when you talked but not actually respond to the content of your words in any way. Then, five minutes into your story about how the woman in the checkout line at the grocery store cut you off, you realize he’s actually been asleep for the entire time. That’s Larry Drew. You could yell at him with a megaphone and he would probably just shrug and trot out the same boring rotation which doesn’t have enough Zizz in it.

Maybe I could be the coach of the Cavaliers. It’s obvious they don’t care about acquiring good players, so should they care about acquiring good coaches? At least I’d play Zizz the proper amount of minutes, which is all of the minutes.

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