Just for fun, I looked at some pictures of Alex Len’s home town in Ukraine, Antratsyt. Big props to them, or at least the people who curate their photos on Google Images: it’s not nearly as gray and depressing as I imagined! There are some commieblocks, but that’s to be expected. Other things that Antratsyt has:
-A school of some sort
-A big central boulevard (wouldn’t be soviet-era city planning without one of those!)
-A statue
-A sign (in Cyrillic)
-Another statue
-Industry (????not sure????)
Also, it’s where Alex Len was born, which is what I already sorta implied. That, for me and probably for most of you, is the most exciting thing about Antratsyt. Honestly, since they already have apparently a bunch of statues scattered around the city, they might as well put one up for Len and just get it over with. They’re gonna need to do it eventually, especially if he keeps scoring 24 against the “number one defense in the league” like he did tonight.