I would consider this a VINTAGE performance from Serge “Ibaka Gaijin” Ibaka. No free throws, no three-pointers, just dunks, hooks, and midrange jimbos. Eleven field goals made for twenty-two points, a mathematical cleanliness that is basketball’s analogue to the Golden Ratio. Ibaka even showed committment to the cause by being awarded two free throws, but missing them anyway. He knew that hitting those free throws would have knocked his ratio out of balance.
This video description is a perfect place to issue an OFFICIAL DTB APOLOGY to Ibaka. I was fully aware that he scored 22 points just last game, but I neglected to make a highlight video. I think I had a reason at the time. Probably a reason related somehow to the concept of “sloth”, or laziness. Still, there should be no excuses. So, in penance, I made this highlight video instead, and that decision worked out because this video has one more made field goal than the other video would have had.
So maybe I don’t even need to apologize if the end result is better than what the result would have been had I done the “right” thing. Yeah. Okay. The OFFICIAL DTB APOLOGY that I extended to Ibaka is now officially retracted.