In this description, I will hypothesize that Danny Green is a “winning player”, that is, a player whose presence on the court is so positive, taken as a whole, that whatever team he is on cannot help but win lots of game. Let’s got on to it! Here we go:
Danny Green is a winning player.
Mission accomplished! I never said anything about testing the hypothesis or anything. You read into my words too much. Besides, it’s not my job as a practioner of the scientific arts to do anything but hypothesize things and wait for other people to do the work. I’m the scientist here. I do the thinking. Other people do the grunt work.
Not like it matters. Anyone with a pair of ocular light-receptors connected via neural pathways to a grey-pink skull-encased supercomputer knows that Green is the king of role-players. He was almost Finals MVP that one year, remember that? That’s how good of a role-player he was for the Spurs, and he’s doing the same sorts of things for the Raptors. Minus the whole “going to the Finals” part. Because you know Kawhinycrybaby Leosuckmynards and Pyle Ofcrap are going to choke way, WAY, before then.