Another highlight video ruined by “Players Only baby!”. Not to make you sad or anything, but imagine how good this video would’ve been with Lamar Hurd exclaiming “Fear the Turtle!” as Jake “Matchup Nightmare” Layman scored bucket after bucket. He probably would’ve made some puns involving cuts and back-doors and combinations thereof. Instead, we got the usual self-fellation, with the commentators preferring to talk about their own topics rather than the game at hand. A normal problem with nationally televised games, but exacerbated on Players Only.
The good news is, you can enjoy this new career-high by Jake Layman without any commentary at all if you wish. Personally, I put on some Bach and it made this video about 100 times better, and you can pretend that Layman is some sort of attendant in a royal court in the early 1700’s. YouTube kindly provides a “mute” button so that you don’t have to be annoyed by what words are being said over the video. Sadly, there is no such button for this description, the words being said under the video, so you’ll just have to deal with my incoherent mumbling.
Layman totally devastated the Heat on backdoor cuts in this game. That and running to the rim for lob dunks. Remember that play the Utah Jazz used to run all the time to get Gordon Hayward free lobs? I think the Blazers ran that one a few times, using their own version of Hayward who has way better ankles and isn’t way overpaid and isn’t hamstringing a potential championship contender with his badness. The Hayward comparison came to me just now, and I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of it earlier, because they’re basically the same player. And with Layman getting way better (how did this happen I saw him suck balls for two whole years) and Hayward getting way worse, I know which one I want on my team.
Hint: it’s the one that looks like a turtle.