Well, I like Allen Crabbe. I don’t care if anyone else does. In fact, it’s better that no one else does, so that I can have this Crabbe Feast all to myself. While everyone else is falling all over themselves trying to get a nibble of one of James Harden’s pubes, I’ll be over here enjoying all these delicious Crabbey Patties in solitude. That’s fine. You guys are really missing out on one of the smoothest strokes in the Eastern Conference.
I don’t get it. Yeah, he’s been sorta sucking this year, but he has been decent-to-good in the past and still, he can’t make anyone pay attention to him. Even when he scored 40. He had a god-damn legit 40-burger and no one even cared. I cared, I was super hyped, so maybe the problem is on my end? Maybe I’m the one who’s a crazed deviant, enjoying the basketball aesthetics of Crabbe, and everyone else is normal in being unimpressed by him?
Whatever. My job isn’t to make videos that other people want to watch. It’s to make the videos that need to be made, and this one definitely did.