I’m really sad right now because I just saw the clip where Emmanuel Mudiay asks to do a jersey swap with Dwyane Wade and Wade says no even though Wade is still wearing the jersey in question. I know it shouldn’t make me sad but it destroyed me. Mudiay just wanted to make a meaningful connection with a player that I’m sure he looked up to. But Wade was like “nah this dude sucks, I’m gonna give my jersey to somebody with potential like Dennis Smith Jr.” (never mind that Mudiay might currently be a more effective player than DSJ).
My day is ruined. I wish I never watched the clip. It reminds me of all the times I’ve put myself out there only to get rejected or turned down. But none of those times were in front of TV cameras and none of those times were dissected by ruthless internet commentators who take perverse pleasure in watching my suffering. Mudiay’s awkward request will be on the internet forever, and forever is a long time.
It doesn’t help that I had to make a Mudiay highlight video that contained too many free throws. All these things combined are sapping my will to move forward with my life. I feel like I should crawl under a blanket and never think about the Knicks again. I recommend that all Knicks fans join me in this.