Montrezl Harrell 23 Points/1 Three Full Highlights (3/30/2019)

Montrezl Harrell is a beast. You knew this, he knew this, everyone already knew this. I don’t know what he’d have to do to have his beast card revoked, but it would have to be something supremely wimpy like pulling a heliflopter (Chris Paul tried to have the footage deleted but I have spare copies on all my hard drives plus a few thumb drives a buried under the ancient willow tree that I spent my childhood playing under) or not dunking it when he had the chance to dunk it. It cannot be stated enough: Harrell plays with a fury that is not often seen in the NBA. He’s mad. All the time. For no reason.

If you, for some stupid reason, probably due to the stupid nature of your brain, needed more evidence of the beastitude of Harrell, consider this: he appeared to tear his foot clean off his leg at the ankle in this game, laying on the ground and grasping it. Then he came back in the game not a minute later to continue dominating the hapless Cavaliers bigmen tasked with “guarding” him. I put guarding in quotes because it wasn’t really guarding, more like “watching dunks without being able to do anything to stop them”.

I would like to see him get the 6MOY Man of the Year award for his incredible play off the bench this season, if only so that Lou Williams doesn’t win it again. Voter fatigue is definitely a thing for the MVP award, so why not for the minor awards? The league needs to stop rewarding chuckers and start rewarding undersized dunk machines.

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