Gary Harris 23 Points Full Highlights (4/16/2019)

“Playoff Gary Harris” is a real thing, people. Don’t even try to pretend that it isn’t, because now that I’ve spoken those words, the universe recognizes it as an actual thing that really exists. Maybe it didn’t before, but it does now. “Playoff Gary Harris”. Oh yeah. I apologize for lying when I said that I wasn’t #hypedforgaryharris as much as I used to be. That was a total lie because after these first two playoff games I am just as hyped for him as I ever was.

As I mentioned in the last video, the last time Harris had had a 20-point game was all the way back in November. That’s seriously a long time in NBA terms, so much stuff has happened in the league since then. All that cool stuff you remember happening? It probably occurred while Harris was busy not ever scoring 20 points due to injury/trying to return from injury/sucking.

But now he’s scored 20 and 23 in consecutive games, and he’s doing it in the ‘offs, where normally players start scoring fewer points, not more. He’s not going to get a lot of recognition for this game, because he did all his work in the first three quarters, saving the last quarter for Jamal Murray and saving none of the quarters for Will Barton. Murray was the hero with his play in the final quarter, but without Harris’ 10 buckets scattered throughout, this would’ve been unwinnable even for the Nuggets.

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