The narrative from this game, carefully curated by the media for mass consumption by an undiscerning populace, is that Damian Lillard is the hero of this game for hitting a three-pointer as time expired. As the narrative goes, Lillard’s shot was a game-winner, and it gave him fifty points for the game, so he’s the guy responsible for the Blazers’ series-ending win against the Thunder. Obviously, this narrative is total drivel designed for morons who struggle to tie their own shoes, much less form their own opinions on a sport as nuanced and beautiful as basketball, but I would be part of the problem if I didn’t provide my own narrative. So here it is:
Moe Harkless is the REAL hero of this game. Seventeen points is just so far above the amount of points he should be expected to score in a single game that nobody with a functional brain could deny his heroism. Not only that, but he scored ten of his points in the fourth quarter. Alleged “hero” Lameian Brickard had only eight points in the quarter. You can see how flimsy the media-created narrative is, how easily it crumbles apart, how pulling one thread of it unravels the whole thing.
Want more proof that Harkless is the true hero here? He got fouled with a minute and a half to go by heroically jumping in the air to get a rebound. He then proceeded to hit both free throws while Russell Westbrook tried in vain to prevent tears from leaking out of his eyes. You can kindly point me to the part of the game where Lillard did anything nearly that clutch. Actually, you can’t, because none of his so-called “clutch” or “game-winning” plays were as clutch or game-winning as Harkless’ clutch free throws.
Wake up, sheeple. Stop having your opinions fed to you by faceless global conglomerates. My opinions are better and you should use mine instead.