Or: “DownToBuck’s Favorite Part” You thought the players in part III were scrubs? They’re like goddamn All-Stars in comparison to the barely-in-the-league scrubnuggets that comprise this video from start to finish (with a few notable exceptions). I will admit some of these players are new to me, and if you can honestly say that all…
Read MoreDay: October 21, 2019
Every NBA Player’s First Field Goal This Season (2018-19 Season Full-ilation Part III)
Or: “[Scrubbiness Intensifies]” Part III of this series features a lot of players who casual fans have never heard of, or have only ever heard of in an ironic context. Many of the players here were only inconsistently part of their team’s regular rotation. However, true DTB acolytes will recognize all these players because almost…
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