You know that common saying, “You made your bed, now lie in it”? I’m feeling that idiom really hard right now. I have made my bed and now I have to lie in it.
You might think that, in this metaphor, the “bed” is “me having made highlight videos for P.J. Tucker scoring a mediocre amount of points” and the “lying in bed” is “me having to make this highlight video even though Tucker only scored seventeen”. That’s where you’d be wrong. The metaphor is much more complicated than that, but the end result is still a bed that is uncomfortable to lie in and is incapable of giving me proper rest.
The true meaning of the metaphor in this situation is broken down as such:
“You”: DownToBuck
“Made”: DownToBuck affecting change on his surroundings
“Your”: DownToBuck’s
“Bed”: The DownToBuck highlight channel as viewed through the lens of not only capitalism, but the fundamental upheaval of normal channels of information distribution, creating an environment where dis- and mis-information can propagate easily
“Now”: The current time but also the time-loop through which all civilization must necessarily tumble through/towards
“Lie”: Continuing to feed the capitalist machinery of Western society by providing content to the disinformation machine known as the YouTube platform
“In”: DownToBuck realizing the terrifying ramifications of his actions
“It”: That same crypto-capitalist behemoth which consumes voraciously but can never be sated
Maybe I should put P.J. Tucker on my exclusion list.