Eric Paschall 20 Points Full Highlights (10/30/2019)

Not to rub it in to Warriors fans, who are having a rough time of it right now, but I want to share a little tidbit of information with them:

It is currently snowing where I am, and it is not currently snowing where you are.

Of course, I am making the bold/wildly incorrect assumption that most, or even some, Warriors fans actually live in the Bay Area. Still, the fact remains: I am looking outside my window right now, and I can see snowflakes falling. Because that’s what snow IS. Snowflakes and snow are basically the same thing. It’s not even November yet, and tomorrow I will wake to a wintry wonderscape of winter AND wonder. Warriors fans, on the other hand, will wake to nothing but the crushing realization that their team will not make the Finals, or the WCF, or even the playoffs.

Also, I am drinking hot chocolate right now (combined with a little extra special mixer, you know what I’m talking about, heh heh heh… it’s Mountain Dew). Another thing Warriors fans don’t get to experience. I haven’t even mentioned the supremely warm deluxe woolen socks that currently adorn my feet.

If this is making things sound really bad for Warriors fans, that’s because things are, indeed, really bad for them. But look on the bright side! Eric Paschall had 20 points, which is really good for a rookie who no one really expected anything from. Small consolation in the face of Stephen Curry getting his hand smashed into a million bits by Aron Baynes’ Austrerior Posterior, but it’s something.

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