Ivica “Zu Tycoon” Zubac is another one of those talented young players that the Lakers pretty much gave away for nothing. If it seems like the Lakers’ screwups are the only thing I can talk about, you’re right. There should be no safe spaces for Lakers fans. By virtue of their bandwagoning fandom (it’s really easy to be a fan when Kobe and Shaq are rolling in championship trophies), Lakers fans deserve to have their team’s failures mentioned anywhere and everywhere.
The fact that Zubac is on the Clippers is just icing on the cake. He’s like a daily unavoidable reminder to Lakers’ management that they dun goofed. While Mike Muscala gets 37 seconds of playing time for a hopeless Thunder team, Zubac is playing big minutes for a championship contender. Not only that, but Zubac frequently receives high-fives from NBA superstar Kawhi Leonard. AND, he just got paid some good money for the next four seasons. He’s got it all right now. Ivica Zubac have it all.
I’m honestly hoping that the long-term outcome is that the Clippers force the Lakers back to Minnesota because all their LA fans jumped ship. Then the Timberwolves move to Seattle. That’s my dream. It would be the ultimate “frick you” to Lakers fans who have had it good for way too long. Nurse, can you please inject that schadenfreude directly into my carotid artery?