Aaron Holiday 17 Points Full Highlights (11/12/2019)

There was a time where, in my opinion, and you should definitely be paying attention to my opinions very closely because they are of the highest quality, anyway, in my opinion, Justin Holiday was outplaying Jrue Holiday. That time was a few years ago, where the Bulls were letting Justin chuck as many shots as he wanted while Jrue was getting slightly marginalized in New Orleans. The situation quickly reversed itself, as Jrue resumed his place at the top of the Holiday trifecta, but I swear it happened.

We are currently residing in a time where Aaron Holiday is outplaying Justin. This is not as egregious as Justin outplaying Jrue, but it does disturb the pecking order. Aaron is averaging slightly more points on a better percentage from three than his teammate/bro, at points don’t lie; more points means better play. Straight up.

I don’t know how long this will last either, because it feels like Justin is slumping pretty bad right now (as he is known to do) and I’m not fully convinced by Aaron yet. I will say that hopefully one of them starts picking up some DNPs soon because the play-by-play data I use doesn’t differentiate between people with the same last name and it’s making it hard for me to make highlights of either of them.

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