Jake Layman 21 Points Full Highlights (11/16/2019)

Timberwolves record when Jake Layman scores in double digits: 5-2

Timberwolves record when Jake Layman scores in single digits: 1-5

The conclusion is clear: the Timberwolves’ success is closely tied to Layman’s success. It cannot possibly be the other way around (where Layman’s success is tied to the Timberwolves’ success). Just don’t even let that possibility enter your mind, and I apologize for typing it out in case you accidentally read it and were like “yeah, that makes sense too”. My hope was that the concept would be so ridiculous on its face that no sane person would ever entertain it as a possibility, but I guess I was wrong, and I’m sorry.

But yeah, the solution here is obviously to feed Layman the ball as much as possible, and watch the wins roll in. There might be some sort of limit where more touches for him leads to diminishing returns, but I’m feeling like that limit is pretty high, like 50 or 60 shots. That may sound like a lot of shots, and it is, but after watching James Harden shoot over 40 times without even really trying, I think Layman can get there.

I mean, he can score in all different ways. Backdoor cuts and threes are his main sources of fun, but he can take people off the dribble or pull up for jumpers. Don’t believe me? Watch this video, and then get back to me, because we got the whole package tonight. The whole load.

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