Naz “King of All Known Advanced Stats” Mitrou-Long, after a two-year, 85-minute (1 minute the first year, 84 the next) stint in Utah, has found a new home with the Pacers. Or, more accurately, with the Pacers’ G-League team, the… somethings. Can’t quite remember. Anyway, he’s on a two-way contract, which is perfect for the Pacers, because they really needed another point-guardish thing on their roster and they were just able to bring him up with no problem.
His well-earned (don’t sleep on his 133.8 PER from the 2017-18 season) nickname is somewhat hard for him to live up to at this point, but there is limited evidence that he can play at the NBA level at least a little bit. That evidence is mainly contained in my “Naz Mitrou-Long 9 Points/9 Assists Full Highlights (4/11/2019)” vid from the season finale last year. You should go check that one out when you’re done with this one. I’d link it here, but I wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation to RickRoll you.
He wasn’t so good last game, but hey, what do you expect, he’s a two-way player. This game went a lot better, apparently because the Nets simply couldn’t guard any point guard that the Pacers put out there. Aaron Holiday had a career high which was a lot more impressive than Mitrou-Long’s career high, but the fact that they both had one means that something was seriously wrong with the Nets in this game. I can’t even blame Kyrie Irving for this, and don’t you dare think that I would even consider saying anything negative about Spencer Dinwiddie.