Justin Jackson 19 Points Full Highlights (11/22/2019)

We follow up the video for the somewhat generically-named Justin James with a video for the for-sure generically-named Justin Jackson, a player whose name is so generic that he shared it with a guy in the very next draft (but who hasn’t played yet, thankfully for my sanity). Jackson is the definition of generic. He has the appearance of an average basketball player, his hair is the default basketball player hair, he has non-exciting stats, he’s got the whole package that makes him pretty much unnoticeable to the casual NBA fan.

I think that’s why I like him so much. He’s just a baller. Nothing else. Theoretically above average outside shooting, I guess, but that’s it. That’s the only semi-notable feature of his game. One day he will jet off to Europe to play for some random Spanish league team and no one will notice. Until that day comes, though, I will act as the standardbearer for this dude.

I was going to make a joke about the Kings missing him so much that they had to acquire Justin James to at least have a player with a similar name, but then I realized that they could’ve just gotten the other Justin Jackson so my joke didn’t make much sense. I could make the joke anyway, but it wouldn’t be very good. That hasn’t stopped me in the past, but it’s stopping me now.

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