Serge Ibaka has relinquished his right to the “Iblocka” nickname. If he’s barely gonna average one block a game, there really is no case to be made for him keeping it. Nobody else has the correct syllables in their name to be called “Iblocka” except maybe Ivica Zubac, so the nickname will just be sitting unused, but that’s fine. It’s better for a nickname to be removed from usage than for it to be assigned to somebody who can’t even live up to it.
I’m currently experimenting with a new nickname for Ibaka: “Imidrangejimboa”. Since Ibaka takes a lot of midrange jimbos, I think it fits perfectly. However, Imidrangejimboa just don’t roll of the tongue. In fact, most people wouldn’t be able to pronounce it at first glance, since it looks like a random jumble of letters. If you made a second-grader try to read it they would probably start crying, or they would try to bite you. Honestly, Imidrangejimboa looks it could be the name of the city where Ibaka was born more than anything.
Just because a nickname works for basketball reasons doesn’t mean it works for language reasons. I might have to go back to the drawing board on this one. But you know that DownToBuck will work tirelessly to craft a suitable nickname for Ibaka even it means iterating through fifty good ideas to get to that one great idea.