Glenn Robinson 18 Points Full Highlights (12/25/2019)

Glenn Robinson was well on his way to becoming an 82-game starter (of which there were only 7 last year, and the names aren’t as good as you’d think) until he had some sort of ankle injury that took him out of commission last game. He’s back now, but if he wants 82 starts, he’s going to have to find a team that’s played 1 fewer game than the Warriors (and also has a spot in their starting lineup for a mediocre small forward) and get traded to them. Otherwise, better luck next year.

With that particular goal out of the picture, Robinson will have to focus on other goals. The most pressing: actually performing a really good dunk, one befitting a dunk-contest winner, IN GAME. Not just in layup lines, or during practice, or during a nationally televised dunking exhibition during All-Star weekend. In game. Such a thing has never happened before. If you have video evidence of him performing a high-quality dunk in a live game scenario, please let me know. Note: him just jumping really high but the dunk being uncontested does NOT count.

If one of his other goals was “make James Harden look like a bitch on Christmas”, well, at least he succeeded in that one. I really want to make some jokes right now about how the NBA needs to stop scheduling these games where horrible teams get blown out, but I’m afraid that such jokes are already played out by now. I’m too late to the party.

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